Snow Shoe Rails to Trails volunteers had a large to do list for this past Saturday, April 10,2021.
Gary & Mary Halsnik assigned duties to Brush/Trim Trail, Sand/Brush & Paint Gates, Stain Memorial Kiosk and Main Trailhead Kiosk and collect trash from trail, Snow Shoe Township Roads and State Highways. We also want to thank the Centre County Probation Office for their help too.
Thank you to all the volunteers and sorry we did not get action pictures of you all.
Next Work Detail: Gillentown Trailhead, April 17,2021, 9am
Members: Please be alert & use caution on Saturday and Sunday, April 17, 18, 2021. We will have a contractor trimming the trail from Gorton Crossing to Black Moshannon Bridge near the Old Johnson & Morgan Camp.