The weather was cloudy and rainy at times. However, the crowd surprised us and filled the parking lot.Carns brought a group of machines down for everyone to look at. The new Expedition got alot of attention. We want to thank PJ from Carns and his crew for coming down to support the event. Kim Corson of Lewistown won the 50/50 and her share was $245.00. Chris Vangor, family and friends did the cooking of 2 pigs and 150 halves of chicken. Some of them worked from 8pm till the next morning. Gary Halsnik, Dondi Smeltzer separated the meat from the bones. Dave Renninger & Patrick Warefield parked vehicles. Beth Watson and Piper Bartley sold SSRTA clothing, Mark Watson collected meal money, Marissa & Paige Jon Bartley collected money for the 50/50 and sold raffle tickets. We had a great bunch of volunteers serving the food-Mary Halsnik, Kim Smeltzer, Peg Brooks, Rene Leigey, Julie Lutz and Gary Lutz refilling the server containers. It was a surprise to see Andy Basalla at the event after he went through Brain Surgery a week ago. It was great to see some of our corporate sponsors at the event: Jerrod, Marie & Dean Vosburg from Piney Rail Riders, Barry Kellerman, Annmarie Fenush & Mike Fenush, Lee Williamson and friends. Eric Brooks and Dondi Smeltzer stuffed the hogs prior to roasting. Bob Harris and Ed Thomas drove to Philipsburg and Kylertown to get the chicken and the rest of the food. Thank you to both of them! The Centre County Probation Office also supplied a few helpers that helped our crew.