About two years ago, CMATVA & SSRTA was invited to a meeting with the Clinton County Economic Development Association and Clinton County Commissioners. They ask if both organization would like to work on extending more atv riding. Of course we both agreed. CMATVA is spearheading the project from Bloody Skillet to NY Border. SSRTA has provided 50% of funding to purchase new signs for the project along with CMATVA providing the other 50%.Both clubs, Clinton County Commissioners, Clinton County Economic Developmentment Association have traveled to Harrisburg to talk with DCNR and political leaders about connecting the trails and the benefits to businesses. CMATVA has worked very hard with it's volunteers to legalize roads for atvs/utvs and install proper signage on township roads north of Renovo towards Coutersport. Mike Hanna has recently spoke to the governor to get a bill introduced and passed through the House & Senate. The first part of the project connecting Bloody Skillet to Renovo and Renovo to Whiskey Springs is to be completed by April 1, 2020. The 2nd part of the bill is to complete and make connection from Clinton to NY Border by 2024. CMATVA has made a lot of these connection but will need help from DCNR & Penn Dot to complete the rest. SSRTA is proud to be a part of such a large project and is presently working to connect on the west end of the SSRTA to Philipsburg. There are so many people to thank for their efforts in this project, and one that comes to mind is Jeff Snyder, Clinton County Commission. He has been there supporting both atv clubs and traveling to Harrisburg, attending events, meetings to help make this project happen. Mike Hanna-what can we say about his support for both atv riding organizations and now to finish off his great career with something that will help not only the local businesses but other businesses across the state. See what can happen when everyone works together for the same goals. Thank you to all the members of both organizations, corporate sponsors of both organizations-without you this could not of happen. So we thank you all!!