Mayes was contacted by Ron Young, a member of the SSRT and Rockview
employee with information about the Rockview Community Work Program.
Arrangements were made through Wade Renninger, Forest Manager for Doug
Sampsell the Safety Officer to tour the trail site for approval. Tim
Capparelle, Correction Labor Foreman also assisted with the tour. Jeff
Rockovan, Communicatons Director gave permission for picture taking and
article. Over the course of four weeks, the inmates were transported to
the trails sites to brush & trim the trail. Dennis Barndt, Chuck
Gardner and Tim Capparelle supervised and guided the work crews. They
completed approximately 4 miles of trail brushing from Gillentown
Trailhead to Clarence and the road to the Moshannon Community Center.
The pictures demonstrate how much work was completed by these workers
and what a big difference it made for the safety of the trail users.
Their energetic work efforts and pleasant attitudes made each day a
winner. This program excells and demonstrates good use of resources.
Thank You Rockview Correctional Facility!