Monday, January 12, 2015

12th Annual Winter Dinner Ride

On Saturday, January 3, 2015, Snow Shoe Rails to Trails & Best Line Powersports held it's 12th Annual Winter Dinner Ride. The weather was cold along with freezing rain in the early morning. However, that didn't prevent some 116 dedicated SSRT Members from attending the Roast Beef Dinner. The meal was prepared by Ruth Martin, Trilby Mayes, Mark Watson. Jim Verost added a large pot of his exceptional Chili. It was fantastic as usual!! George Holt handled the SSRT applications while Lyn & Shawn Timblin handled the meal/door prizes. rip offs etc. Shawn Timblin won the 50/50 and donated it back to the club. We also want to thank Lyn Timblim for donating the rip offs. Andy Basalla won $150.00 on the rip offs and donated $50.00 back to the SSRT.
We had an added attraction to the Winter Dinner Ride this year as CMATVA/Best Line Powersports held it's first Dice Run in conjunction with the Winter Dinner Ride. They had 58 people sign up for the Dice Run.
We want to thank our Corporate Sponsor Best Line Powersports, Mike Getz, Fred, JP for their continued support of this event and the trail.
We also want to thank the Centre Daily Times for covering the event and especially reporter Brittany Milazzo for great article. We also want to thank the Centre County Probation Office for the help preparing the center before, during and after the event. On Friday, January 2, we also collected a pickup load of trash along the Snow Shoe Township highways.

The SSRT would like to thank Beth Watson and the Moshannon Community Center Organization for their help before, during and after the event!

View photos from this event, click here.