Wednesday, February 10, 2016

For Sale: 2013 CF Moto 600 EX

For Sale:
2013 CF Moto 600 EX
560 miles
Good condition
One owner

Contact Doug Miles at 234 Motorsports for questions or sale

Friday, February 5, 2016

Carns Equipment Company of Clearfield Loyalty Cards

Carns Equipment Company of Clearfield provides all 3,000 plus members of the SSRT a 10% discount on all parts and accessories.

Now they have added a new program called Loyalty Cards.
Each customer that signs up for a card starts earning points, free stuff and cash off, in addition to their already discounted 10%.

Geoff Carns states that his new Loyalty Card Program supports the Snow Shoe Rails To Trails and it's members 100% " putting his money where his mouth is" making the best deals anywhere.